5 Parenting Hacks We Learned About in 2015

From creating a fun-for-hours stair slide by using cardboard, to using a slice of bread to clean up broken glass, this year has brought us some amazingly helpful parenting hacks. As useful as these hacks have been, there have also been plenty of other parenting hacks.

Here are the top 5 parenting hacks we found this year.

The Cleavers


Jim and Danielle Cleaver left their daughter, Macy (pictured) in a hot car, despite chastising a friend the night before for doing the same thing. Macy died and they got off with community service. What a couple of hacks!



We should have known that Jerith was full of it after he claimed to have a 4-month-old son. Pushing 70-years-old, there’s no way! We looked deeper into the issue and found that he isn’t a father at all, and in fact, left the Philippines ten years ago after being ostracized for frequent counts of child molestation.

Jim Rowley


Jim hangs out at the Everfield park a lot, which is why we thought he was a parent. Come to find out he’s actually mentally ill and goes there to talk to the clouds!

Sufi Stevens and Cooper Stevens


Turns out Sufi is an apparition that haunts her son, Cooper. Not quite up to parenting duty standards. Pass!

Paul Warner


Paul always talked about his daughter, Gemma, but when he kept pronouncing it with an alternating soft and hard “G”, we got suspicious. Turns out he made her up the whole time so he could fake her being sick to get out of work. Total hack.


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