Lance Bass and Chris Kirkpatrick Make Your *N Sync Reunion Dreams Come True With This Co-written Fanfiction

*N Sync fans, rejoice! After a 12 year hiatus, the fabulous five-some are reuniting in the form of an N’sync fan-fiction penned by *N Sync’s own Lance Bass and Chris Kirkpatrick.

“We knew we wanted to get something going again, but we weren’t sure how we could make it happen with everyone’s busy schedules,” said Lance Bass, standing proudly next to Chris Kirkpatrick, his former band-mate and least desirable member of the group, while feeding him pieces of raw onion.

lance and chris

“I don’t know what it will lead to, to be honest, but its good to be back with the guys, even if its just pretend,” said Lance, scanning over their story one last time for any rogue grammatical errors, “Who knows? Maybe this is the beginning of our comeback.”

The fan-fiction can be found online at, but here’s an exclusive excerpt:

Lance tied his shoe for the ninety-eighth time that day and gave the string a stiff tug for good measure. He looked up at the other guys, who had aged gracefully, but were no longer boys. Now they were hearty men. The crowd’s screams filled Madison Square Garden like a thick fog, but even through the roar of the crowd Lance could hear Justin’s words, “I think the fans can wait a little while longer.”

Justin stepped up to Lance, his crotch just inches from his face. Lance could feel the heat radiating off of Justin’s crotch, and he could smell the musky scent of his penis.

“What are you doing?” Lance asked, but he quickly stopped himself when he saw the other guys rubbing their hardening penises through their jeans, and Chris biting into the most delicious looking raw onion he had ever seen.

As Chris and Lance prepare to hit “publish” on the website, Chris’s presence is almost unbearable, and it’s time to go home. After 20 minutes of writing, and four white onions, Lance and Chris are done. “I’m just happy to be working with my brothers again. I think the fans are really going to appreciate this.”

Although the rest of the band were ignorant to Lance and Chris’s project, and they all asked, “Chris who?” every time we mentioned him, they wanted us to pass along their unquestionable disdain for the project, yet refused to comment.

We hope you enjoy this second, even more exclusive excerpt:

“And it ain’t no lie, baby, bye, bye, bye!,” all four of them swooned into their microphones as the lights faded down on them. Their bodies instantly surged with that familiar rush of adrenaline they had experienced so many times together in the past. With one last wave to the crowd, they headed back stage, intoxicated by the love of their fans.

As they entered backstage the sweat dripped off their bodies like a Seattle rain. The world stood still for a moment and their nerves buzzed. No wonder it took Joey a second to feel Justin’s hand massaging his penis. Justin had enjoyed Joey’s thick penis the most, so he wasn’t surprised Joey was going right for it.


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