It Looked Like an Animated GIF, but You’ll never Guess What it Actually Was

What’s up with GIFs?

Look through any blog or google image search and you’re guaranteed to see at least a few GIFs – a form of computer image that moves as an animation. Joe Cabello thought he found a goldmine when he went looking for gifs, but you’ll never guess what happened when he clicked one.

It all started with a Google search:

Joe searched for a very common gif search phrase.

dont trust the be gifs

But what looked like a gif…

Was actually not an animated GIF at all.

closer look at dont trust the b gif

It was a normal, low quality still photo.

The picture didn’t move at all, leaving Joe Cabello without a GIF, but with a lot of questions.

Not a gif


Where did this picture come from? Why does it look so much like it should be a gif? Who made it? One thing is for sure. That’s the last time Joe Cabello will trust what he sees on the internet.

It goes to show you that looks can be deceiving, and sometimes the lies we tell ourselves can be stronger than the lies told by others. In this TED talk, Dr. Cortney Warren talks about self-deception, and hopes to provide strength to anyone looking to lead a more conscious life.